IAPSS World Congress 2023 – Call for Papers

Date limite : 31 décembre 2022

Global Cooperation in the Era of Disruption

Multiple transboundary crises continue to emerge and challenge the ability of countries to cooperate with each other. Refugee, climate, health, and cyber crises cripple the resources of countries and force states to ration their response to mounting challenges. Inevitably, global politics will have to adjust and adapt to the age of disruption, yet the way in which it will be done is still unclear. Future generations could face a deglobalized world, or a renewed global order characterized by deeper cooperation between the states.  Without a doubt, understanding the dynamics of cooperation and politics in the age of disruption is vital to the discipline of political science. It is, therefore, essential for students of political science to bring the subject into a public debate through various theoretical and conceptual approaches.

In this vein, we ask the following questions: what are the current state and the future of global cooperation? What challenges and opportunities arise with respect to climate change, technology, the rule of law, and public health? How is the Global South affected? And, amidst a rapidly changing environment, what is the contribution of political theory and philosophy?

With this conference theme, IAPSS hopes to encourage students and junior scholars of political science and related disciplines to participate in this exciting academic discussion. If you have never presented a paper before, this is your best chance to start! IAPSS is an International Association of Political Science students and our mission is to provide them with opportunities to grow.


  1. Climate Change
  • Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development.
  • Migration, climate change, and human security.
  • Sustainability, climate change, and economic insecurity.
  1. Digital Age and Technology
  • Digital transformation and its impact on conflict, state power, and national politics.
  • Global (dis)information management.
  • Virtual propaganda and security threats.
  1. Gender and Identity Politics
  • Feminine and feminist political discourse.
  • Identity politics – unification and particularisation
  • Queer theory and global politics.
  1. Global Markets
  • Resource nationalism.
  • Impact of conflicts on global trade.
  • Growing protectionism in advanced economies.
  1. Global South
  • Regional power dynamics and cooperation.
  • Social movements and political change.
  • Structural inequality and policy challenges in the Global South.
  1. Health
  • The future of global public health policies.
  • International cooperation and public health.
  • Public trust and citizen compliance during public health emergencies.
  1. Human Rights and the Rule of Law
  • Preservation of democracy and human rights around the world.
  • Democratisation, illiberal democracies, and democratic backsliding.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on human rights and the rule of law.
  1. Political Theory and Philosophy
  • Comparative political theory.
  • Contemporary political theory.
  • The relevance and impact of political theory and philosophy.
  1. Society
  • Creating and supporting civic spaces.
  • Non-state actors and democracy.
  • Representation, elections and voting behaviour.

Guidelines for Abstract Submissions:

Please send us your abstract (200 – 300 words) with your name, your subject of study and home university, contact data and 5 keywords by December 31st, 2022 by filling out the form at this page: https://iapss.org/events/world-congress/2023-event/submit-abstract/

Panel Chairs and Discussants:

Six chairs and twelve paper discussants will moderate and accompany the presentations.

The paper presenters will present their essays (individually or in a small group) during the panel before the floor opens to a 15-20 minute Question & Answer session. The role of the panel chairs is to coordinate the discussion, maintain proper timing and moderate the Q&A sessions. The discussants, participating in the panel, will be called to engage in active dialogue based on the topic of the paper.

If you are interested in fulfilling one of these positions, please send your CV, including the above-mentioned personal data, to worldcongress@iapss.org.


The selection panel will consist of the IAPSS Vice-President for Academic Affairs and members of the Academic Department of the Organizing Committee of the 16th IAPSS Academic Conference. Selected candidates for all positions (presenters, chairpersons, discussants) will be announced by January 16th, 2023. The final papers of selected candidates should be submitted by April 27th, 2023.


Please note that you need to be registered for the World Congress by purchasing your ticket in the IAPSS Web Store. In addition, a valid IAPSS membership is needed to be eligible to register and participate in the conference. Registration for panelists may take place after abstract decisions are announced.

For further information, click here.


Banque ScotiaMinistère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie | Québec Faculté de science politique et de droit | UQAM

Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)

Adresse civique

Institut d’études internationales de Montréal
Université du Québec à Montréal
400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Bureau A-1540, Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3C5

* Voir le plan du campus

Téléphone 514 987-3667
Courriel ieim@uqam.ca
UQAM www.uqam.ca

Un institut montréalais tourné vers le monde, depuis 20 ans!

— Bernard Derome, Président

Créé en 2002, l’Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) est un pôle d’excellence bien ancré dans la communauté montréalaise. Les activités de l’IEIM et de ses constituantes mobilisent tant le milieu académique, les représentants gouvernementaux, le corps diplomatique que les citoyens intéressés par les enjeux internationaux. Par son réseau de partenaires privés, publics et institutionnels, l’Institut participe ainsi au développement de la « diplomatie du savoir » et contribue au choix de politiques publiques aux plans municipal, national et international.

Ma collaboration avec l’IEIM s’inscrit directement dans le souci que j’ai toujours eu de livrer au public une information pertinente et de haute qualité. Elle s’inscrit également au regard de la richesse des travaux de ses membres et de son réel engagement à diffuser, auprès de la population, des connaissances susceptibles de l’aider à mieux comprendre les grands enjeux internationaux d’aujourd’hui. Par mon engagement direct dans ses activités publiques depuis 2010, j’espère contribuer à son essor, et je suis fier de m’associer à une équipe aussi dynamique et impliquée que celle de l’Institut.

Bernard Derome

« L’ordre mondial, tel que l’on l’a connu depuis la fin de la guerre froide, est complètement bousculé avec des rivalités exacerbées entre les grandes puissances et des impérialismes démesurés. »

– Bernard Derome

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