Ambassade de la République fédérale d'Allemagne à Ottawa

Call for Ideas: Climate Projects German Embassy 2022 (en anglais)

Date limite: 22 avril 2022

April 2022 – Call for Ideas: Climate Projects German Embassy 2022 I. Background Canada and Germany are key partners in international climate and environmental protection. Both governments have set ambitious targets. Together with the USA, they have re-affirmed their climate cooperation as part of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge 2021. As in previous years, the German Embassy in Canada aims to fund environmental and climate diplomacy projects under the AA Climate Funds 2022 heading in order to further enhance the exchange of ideas between government, business, science, civil society and/or other multipliers. II. Call for Ideas The German Embassy in Canada is seeking ideas for climate projects that support the policy orientation and affect the opinion-forming process. The German Embassy is inviting interested parties to submit ideas via email by April 22, 2022, to: Ideas should focus on the implementation of climate protection (including resolutions of COP26, G7 and G20) or species protection (including CBD COP 15), such as emissions reduction, adaptation to climate change (e.g. through biodiversity-protecting, nature-based approaches) or dealing with damage and loss. Projects should not solely focus on the field of energy. The format is flexible, e.g. conferences, workshops, side events, training opportunities, risk analyses, exchanges of German and Canadian experts, networking of think tanks and best practices. To avoid pandemic-related project cancellations, we ask that you design ideas in such a way that they could be carried out virtually, if necessary. Ideas should contain: – a short outline (including title, goal [Climate and Security/Climate Protection: Increasing Ambition/Biodiversity/Other], specific objectives & measurable targets, a brief description of planned activities, timeline, availability of co-funding by your institution, potential cooperation with international partners, target group, public and media impact, and strategy). – a total budget estimate in EUR. – information on your/your organization’s specific expertise including network and outreach. Please note that all activities must be completed by Dec. 15, 2022. In principle, the budget for projects should be between € 10,000 and € 50,000. III. Procedure The German Embassy will assess the ideas and seek funding for a limited number of projects under the climate diplomacy fund. Please note that the selection of a project based on your idea does not automatically imply that you/your organization will be the implementing partner. The choice of the final implementing partner will be made in line with the relevant funding requirements and legislation. Following our procurement guidelines, the Embassy can be required to source a number of offers for the implementation of specific project proposals depending inter alia on the type and amount of funding required. The relevant follow up steps (allocation contract or procurement process including call for tenders if certain financial limits are exceeded) will be implemented after the German Embassy has received approval for carrying out specific projects under the AA Climate Funds 2022. We ask that you only submit ideas if you agree that other experts/organizations may compete for their implementation. For the idea, as such, there will be no compensation or remuneration.

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Banque ScotiaMinistère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie | Québec Faculté de science politique et de droit | UQAM

Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)

Adresse civique

Institut d’études internationales de Montréal
Université du Québec à Montréal
400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Bureau A-1540, Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3C5

* Voir le plan du campus

Téléphone 514 987-3667

Un institut montréalais tourné vers le monde, depuis 20 ans!

— Bernard Derome, Président

Créé en 2002, l’Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) est un pôle d’excellence bien ancré dans la communauté montréalaise. Les activités de l’IEIM et de ses constituantes mobilisent tant le milieu académique, les représentants gouvernementaux, le corps diplomatique que les citoyens intéressés par les enjeux internationaux. Par son réseau de partenaires privés, publics et institutionnels, l’Institut participe ainsi au développement de la « diplomatie du savoir » et contribue au choix de politiques publiques aux plans municipal, national et international.

Ma collaboration avec l’IEIM s’inscrit directement dans le souci que j’ai toujours eu de livrer au public une information pertinente et de haute qualité. Elle s’inscrit également au regard de la richesse des travaux de ses membres et de son réel engagement à diffuser, auprès de la population, des connaissances susceptibles de l’aider à mieux comprendre les grands enjeux internationaux d’aujourd’hui. Par mon engagement direct dans ses activités publiques depuis 2010, j’espère contribuer à son essor, et je suis fier de m’associer à une équipe aussi dynamique et impliquée que celle de l’Institut.

Bernard Derome

« L’ordre mondial, tel que l’on l’a connu depuis la fin de la guerre froide, est complètement bousculé avec des rivalités exacerbées entre les grandes puissances et des impérialismes démesurés. »

– Bernard Derome

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