Weiner, Richard – « Association, Assemblage et l’État ».
Vendredi 18 novembre 2011, 15h. Local A-1715, pavillon Hubert-Aquin, UQAM, métro Berri-UQAM
Conférence de Richard Weiner, Affiliate, Center for European Stuidies at Harvard, professeur de science politique, Rhode Island College, USA
Quand : Vendredi 18 novembre, 15 h
Où : loal A-1715, pavillon Hubert-Aquin, 405 rue Ste-Catherine Est, UQAM, métro Berri-UQAM
La conférence se déroulera en anglais.
This lecture will discuss the potential & limits of the pluralist theory of the State dating back to Harold Laski in 1920s.
Then it will sweep into our new century & look at contemporary social scientists like Bruno Latour & Robert Boyer in France, as well as
legal theorists like Peer Zumbansen [York U. Toronto] & Gunther Teubner [Goethe U. Frankfurt a.M.] and their focus:
* on inter-relations between sub-system constitutions as opposed to statist constitutions;
* transnational law superseding nation-state courts; and
* the dynamics of globalized capital.