Special Edition to Political EconomyTribute to Stephen Clarkson: Multiple Governance Dilemmas in the « New » North America after NAFTA and CETA
CALL FOR PAPERS1. Perspectives
Stephen Clarkson has spent much of his research career documenting exceptionally the evolution of North America as a territory, in all its competing complexities at the local, regional, national and global levels. His many books – from
Reagan Challenge to
Big Blue Machine, from
Uncle Sam and Us to
Dependent America? – have provided valuable insights into the North American dynamics that have been in place for a quarter of a century and allow Canadian and international audiences to re-examine the exercise of American power in North America from a number of institutional perspectives on the functioning of transnational markets. His research has been particularly focused on how political parties and powerful presidents and prime ministers have established and shaped public policy agendas, how they have addressed the major challenges they have faced, and how they have been used made the bureaucratic apparatus to lick their enemies and reward their friends. Often cited as its most important and lasting publication, Trudeau’s two-volume biography co-written with his partner Christina McCall Newman is not enough to honor his extraordinary contribution as a political economist and professional political scientist. Clarkson has taken on many other roles in his life, including as a public-minded intellectual researching the political behavior and self-interest of elites. This led him to take a deep look at neoliberal globalization as a tenacious, contradictory and polarizing force on people, markets, communities and governments.
2. Thematic Issue
This thematic issue of the journal, specifically dedicated to Stephen Clarkson’s prolific contribution to the North American study, will focus on how trade governance and domestic policies have influenced public policy in the « new » North America, which is gradually taking shape over the last 20 years. The contributions can be predominantly empirical (results and discussion) or predominantly theoretical (more conceptual, based on thematic concepts and approaches).
3. Paper proposals should be sent to:
• Deblock, Christian, Université du Québec à Montréal: deblock.christian@uqam.ca
• Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle, Télé-Université: tremblay.diane-gabrielle@teluq.ca
4. Deadlines
Articles can be written in French, English or Spanish.
The summary of your proposal (1 page maximum + contact details) must be sent to tremblay.diane-gabrielle@teluq.ca and deblock.christian@uqam.ca. Deadline for receipt of proposals:
May 15, 2018 Reaction to the authors regarding their proposal:
June 1st, 2018 Deadline for receipt of texts:
30 June 2018 All texts received will be reviewed by the coordination team and sent to two external evaluators (blind assessment).
5. Paper proposals should include:
Access online Articles proposed to the drafting Committee must be original, not submitted elsewhere and not published in another language. The articles will not exceed 25 pages (including tables, graphs and bibliography) with one and a half lines (or 50,000 characters) and must be accompanied by a short summary of ten lines, in English and French, and five keywords, in English and French also. The author will provide the following information: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and title and home institution. The texts will be examined anonymously by two external readers (or three if there is no agreement on the evaluation). The articles submitted will present original research results and qualities such as readability and relevance to the general issue of the subject. Published articles remain the property of the journal.
For more information see the call for papers file below.Documents joints