The Gender Perspective in Policy and Operations
Jeudi 15 novembre 2018 de 9h à 17h30, réservé aux étudiant.e.s de l’UQAM - places limitées
Since the adoption of the united nations security council resolution 1325 (unscr 1325) on women, peace and security in 2000, states and international security organizations have worked to further increase diversity and to incorporate gender analyses in their policies and practices. The primary objective of this workshop is to examine the implementation of gender guidelines, covering both diversity targets and the incorporation of gender perspectives in policies, operational planning and missions.
The workshop’s guiding questions can thus be summarized as follows: how are organizations and states implementing international guidelines on gender as part of their internal (organizational) and external (operations) activities? What challenges remain for national armed forces, governments or international organizations?
Lieu : Salle D-R200, pavillon David-Athanase (UQAM)
L’atelier fermé sera en anglais.
Vous pouvez également voir l’événement sur Eventbrite.