Latin America 1810-2010

Dreams and Legacies, 17 août 2011

Edited by Claude Auroi (The Graduate Institute, Switzerland) & Aline Helg (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

The book analyses present Latin American issues in their historical course since independence (beginning 1810) and its aftermath, up to the contemporary period. The authors focus on political, economic, social, environmental and cultural developments.

It examines the legacies of the past and the multiple changes that have taken place in the last two centuries. Today’s situation suggests that modernization is well under way and will continue. Offering broad insight into present and future concerns, the book enables readers to evaluate potential areas of economic and social growth, as well as assess risks stemming from past events.

Contents :

  • Latin America in World Geopolitics and International Relations:
    • Latin America in 2010: Geopolitical Shift and Strategic Ambitions (Alain Rouquié)
    • Decolonisation in Latin America: Its Trail-Blazing Role for Decolonisation in Other Parts of the World (Marcelo G Kohen & Katherine Del Mar)
    • Latin America in the League of Nations: Bolívar’s Dream Come True? (Yannick Wehrli)
    • Shifting Position to the Global South: Latin America’s Initiatives in the Early Years at the United Nations (Corinne A Pernet)
    • New Transcontinental Configurations: The U.S. Latinos (Yvette Sánchez)
  • The Nation-State, Politics, Citizenship, and Governance:
    • Patterns of Protest and Revolution in Latin America: 1810–1910–2010 (Alan Knight)
    • Education, Citizenship, and Decentralization in the Latin American Bicentenary: The Chilean Case (Oscar Corvalán)
    • Peru: Nation-State and Multicultural Society (José Marín)
    • Interpretation of Self-Determination Right of Indigenous Peoples in Colombia after Ratification of 169 ILO Convention (Leonardo Rodríguez)
    • A Political Ecology of Latin American Forests through Time (Marc Hufty)
  • Rurality, Economy, and Models of Development:
    • Rural Areas vs. Cities in Latin American History (Claude Auroi)
    • Is Growth Driven by External Demand a Solution to Economic Crises? (Pierre Salama)
    • Foreign Investment in Latin America: Between Love and Hatred (Jorge E Viñuales & Magnus Jesko Langer)
    • Latin American Regionalism and the Role of UN-ECLAC, 1948–2010 (Edgard Moncayo, Philippe De Lombaerde & Oscar Guinea Ibáñez)
      NAFTA: Springboard or Trap? (Christian Deblock)
  • Religion, Cultures, and Ethnic Identities:
    • The Religious Field in Latin America: Autonomy and Fragmentation (David Lehmann)
    • Indigenous Peoples of Latin America: Between Assimilation, Disappearance, Mestizage and Re-emergence: The Argentine Case (Sabine Kradolfer)
    • Afro-Latin Americans and the Limits of Equal Rights, 1810–1910–2010 (Aline Helg)
    • What Shall Become of Us Without any Barbarians? Central American Gangs and the Utopia of Civilization in Latin America (Dennis Rodgers)

Readership: Students and academics interested in Latin American Studies and related NGOs.

Pour se procurer Latin America 1810-2010: Dreams and Legacies en prévente, cliquer ici.


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Bernard Derome

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