Daniel Drache et Sylvia Ostry, «From Doha to Kananaskis: The Future of the World Trading System and the Crisis of Governance», Colloque From Doha to Kananaskis: The Future of the World Trading System and the Crisis of Governance, York University, 1er au 3 mars 2002 «
This chapter highlights some of the main themes that emerged from the
discussions at the conference “From Doha to Kananaskis: The Future of the
World Trading System and the Crisis of Governance”, Toronto, March 1-3,
2002. The conference was jointly organized by the Robarts Centre for
Canadian Studies at York University and the Munk Centre for International
Studies at the University of Toronto, with support from the Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade. As these discussions were held
under Chatham House rules, there is no attribution of statements to
individual participants. In any event, the choice and elaboration of themes
from an event such as this – a three-day conference involving academics,
government officials and members of civil society that elicited a spirited
debate on every issue raised – necessarily reflects the editorial judgement of
those holding the pen. Responsibility for the text thus rests with the authors;
the views expressed here are not to be attributed to the organizing
institutions or to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Papers from the conference are available online at www.robarts.yorku.ca.
Daniel Drache is Director of the Robarts Centre, York University; Sylvia
Ostry is Distinguished Research Fellow at the Munk Centre, University of
Toronto. The assistance of Dan Ciuriak, Senior Economic Advisor, Trade
and Economic Policy and Trade Litigation, Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade, in developing the text is gratefully acknowledged.» [Voir le document joint]
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